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Curriculum Highlights
  • Participants will be coached on identification and application of figures of speech, sentence development, grammar, paragraph development/structuring, organizing strategies, preparation techniques, and appropriate citation of sources.


  • Primary forms of writing (a) expository, (b) descriptive, (c)persuasive, and (d) narrative will be at the forefront of the guided discussions. Participants will be introduced to various approaches to writing from a creative a technical standpoint, which require critical and higher-level thinking.


  • Key genres of literature will be explored in the workshop (a) comedy, (b) drama, (c) fiction, (d) horror, (e) non-fiction, and (f) satire.


  • The curriculum for the workshop will assist participants with enhancing their writing skills as they identify and/or develop their personal writing styles.


  • Daily writing inspiration sessions will consist of brainstorming for writing ideas, creation of detailed outlines, peer reviews, and editing of written rough drafts. Final written work will result in a compilation of the following:

  • Essays

  • Poetry

  • Short stories

We will write, discuss, and sometimes even fuss. However, at the end workshop, participants leave with improved writing skills and a readiness and understanding of how to enter different discussions with a “pen”.

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